Category: General

The Southampton Boat Show

What better way to celebrate our 16th Wedding Anniversary than to go to a boat show? Well, there are better ways, but the days matched up and we’d really been wanting to visit a European boat show as we had a number of things we wanted, but couldn’t find in Madrid or Porto. After a

Oh the people you’ll meet!

With a nod to Dr. Seuss, the past year has been one experience after another meeting people with vastly different backgrounds than ours – and these experiences (like the one mentioned below) often leave us thinking about our own histories, families, and identities. Recently, after successfully tackling the alternator issue on Shearwater, we had the

Salty dogs

This past weekend we brought our dogs with us, as we needed to take care of some small maintenance tasks on Shearwater.  Jordan and Haley travel really well – they love hearing that there is going to be a car ride, and when we hook them up and take them outside, they seem to check

Landfall #2 – in Porto!

Just a quick note to say that we arrived safely!  Our marina is lovely – they gave us some Portuguese soap, told us that we will have fresh bread in the mornings when we are here, and have helped us arrange travel back to Madrid tomorrow, so that we can see our girls as soon

The Final Countdown!

It’s almost the end of June and that means we are shoving off in less than a week.  The original goal was to leave Annapolis Tuesday evening, BUT Chris has been in Annapolis since last Tuesday and she has been working so hard and been so successful at getting our long, long list of to

Tempering the tantrums

Norman, a 55th Security Forces Squadron military working dog, waits to be unleashed and go after his target during training April 17. The Offutt K-9 unit performs regular training to maximize the dogs effectiveness in the field. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Josh Plueger)

I leave for the states on Monday, but we’ve been hard at work in Madrid…trying to micromanage some contractor work on the boat.  Neither one of us likes being micromanaged, but we’re trying to wrap our heads around how a project that was anticipated to take 2 hours has now ballooned into a project that

Inspiring thoughts…

One of my long-time friends, Sara and her husband (and two little girls) are off sailing the south seas – they’re actually in the Tuamotus at the moment, in the South Pacific.  I knew Sara from high school, as we were in many of the same classes together.  Fast forward some years later after high

T-minus one month to blast off!

Side note: If you can read this blog post then we were successful at testing out posting via the XGate email service that we will be using in conjunction with an Iridium 9555 satellite phone. We just passed the one month to go mark for our planned departure from Annapolis. I thought it was interesting

Why is it?

Why is it that with every boat project getting to 90% complete is fairly easy and straightforward and the last 10% ALWAYS involves something stuck, something new broken, or you are missing a critical part and have to run to the marine store or hardware store?  That was certainly our theme for the nearly 3

Do as I say, not as I do…

I must eat my words.  I jinxed it.  I should have known better.  A few posts ago I mentioned that Chris & John checked over the Max-Prop and transmission to confirm that the transmission reduction was what I thought it was and that the prop should, in fact, be set up for right hand rotation. 

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