Van Isle – Day 3: Who did my chores?

So, to keep things organized and running smoothly we have a list of daily chores, split across the 5 of us, on board Shearwater.  The daily chore list rotates every day, so over 5 days, everyone is responsible for all of the chores.  It’s already a running joke as we get towards the end of

Van Isle – Day 2: Boat speed mysteries

The Comox to Campbell River leg began with lots of sun and not a lot of wind. Our start out of Comox was right on time, apparently – except we never heard any of the start sequence, likely because we sat at the pin end (a bell buoy) with it clanging in tune with our

Van Isle – Day 1: Great start to the biggest wind hole eva’

We woke up to an amazing warm day in Nanaimo, offloaded all of our extra gear, and headed out to the outside start to the harbor (Div 0 & 1 boats started inside).  The start was heavily boat-favored, and we opted to start a little further down in clear air and timed it well. The

Van Isle 360 – Race Tracker

Van Isle 360 starts tomorrow.  37 boats will be racing counter-clockwise around Vancouver over 9 legs and roughly 2 weeks.  This will be the first Van Isle for everyone onboard Shearwater, and we are so looking forward to the sailing, competition, scenery, socializing, and relaxing.  So far, we are off to an excellent start having

Swiftsure, Our First

So many firsts this weekend. Our first Swiftsure.  The first time we’ve raced with more than 4 people onboard.  The first time Oren & Rachel have sailed on Shearwater, and the first time they’ve raced in the PNW.  And happily, a first in class! Really we couldn’t have asked for a better Swiftsure experience.  The

A Late Race to the Straits Report

Should have posted this 3 weeks ago…   One of the highlights of the year around here is the annual Race to the Straits. This is a favorite for Chris & I because, while we often race double-handed, at RTTS everyone else is either DH or even single-handed. Ha! A level playing field. We did

Spadefoot Returns – 23 Days Adrift

There are bits and pieces of this saga on Facebook and sailing forums, but I thought it would be good to put all of this in one place for easy reference.  I’m not aware of many/any other boats that had been abandoned, drifted for so long, and were brought back to shore in good condition

The Fate of Poor Spadefoot

Justin here.  On dry land, happy to be with Chris. So…  What happened out there?  There’s not so much to say, really.  After the first 3 days, Spadefoot was in contention, and we were feeling pretty positive about the trip.  We had a little over 200 nm to go when the expected changed from light

Keel issues – and abandoning Spadefoot

1630 – Justin just called me to let me know he is heading towards Solaris, as he is hearing a lot of keel noise and was concerned about sudden failure.  Both Solaris and Concussion are in contact with Justin. 1705 – Justin called to say that Solaris is with him.  He has gathered items he needs to

B 1-2 (Leg 1) – Day 3

(240 miles to go) Howdy!  Yesterday evening and last night were really nice.  A little more wind than earlier Sunday, close reaching and flat water.  Makes it easy to move about the boat and tidy up.  I’ve gone from jib top, to A0, to jib top, to new #3.  Almost close hauled now aiming straight

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