Category: Racing

Pacific Cup – Awards

We were surprised, but super happy to receive the “Best First Passage” Award for Pacific Cup 2014.  It is a testament to the depth of experience of the field as we finished in middle of the fleet at best.

Pacific Cup – Finish and the Continuing Whirlwind…

Aloha! It seems like it might have been a bit easier to keep up on blog updates out in the middle of the Pacific!  We’ve been in Hawaii almost 2 days now and have hardly had a chance to send a note that yes, we did indeed finish! The amazing Leslie from Rockskipper took some photos

Pacific Cup Day 13 Recap – Curses and Mai-Tai’s

The past twelve hours have probably been the most trying for us this entire race – we’ve had exceptionally poor luck trying to get a kite up to get the boat moving fast. Hindsight 20/20, we should have just left the jib up as we did late last night and flew it into the morning,

Pacific Cup Day 12 Recap – Driver’s Ed

The last 24 hours have been interesting. Good, but interesting. Actually, nothing special has happened. No issues. We’ve been focussed more on sailing fast and fast it has been. We started doing some calculations yesterday and realized we had a chance of finishing before nightfall tomorrow. We also did some math and realized we still

Pacific Cup Day 11 – Big Blue Ocean

The last 24 hours have been so nice. Bright blue sky, sunshine, white puffy clouds, beautiful blue water, organized swells, and mostly 15-20 knots. We’ve been able to fly the A2 spinnaker and for the most part we’ve been moving well, except the early morning yesterday when we were parked behind a squall, then early

Pacific Cup Day 10 Recap – Moonwalking and Squalls

We’re slowly regaining some of the much needed rest that we’ve been missing the past few days, which helps moods – the start of last night was nearly perfect, but we’ve decided that the breeze turns on a turbo switch at happy hour, and then in the wee hours of the morning. The turbo switch

Pacific Cup Day 9 – Position Correction

Our position in the daily report today is wrong. The longitude should be 14459, about 12 miles west of what showed up on the report. The breeze has come down. Happy.

Pacific Cup Day 9 Recap – Oh My God

The last 24 hours have been an experience I hope to never repeat. Just unbelievably challenging and yet we are still trucking. This mornings daily position report that we normally receive at 11am hasn’t come in yet as of 12:45pm. Not sure why, but it is sure missed we tried really, really hard overnight and

Pacific Cup Day 8 Recap – Wild Nights, Tradewinds, & Halfway

Ha, whoever hoped for 20-30 knots for us please stop! We have plenty of breeze now, thank you very much. Haven’t seen less than 20 knots for about 27 hours. The thing is Shearwater doesn’t really go any faster above 20 knots, but the loads get higher, the waves get bigger and it just gets

Pacific Cup Day 7 Recap – More Lessons

We’ve been out here a week already, and it’s hard to believe. It looks like the past 24 hours saw us put another 192 miles behind us – by my calculations, sometime tomorrow we’ll rollover 1000 miles into the race and a good mileage halfway point for us to celebrate. Life onboard is fine, and

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